Why Kepler?

Do you want to make an impact with your work? Are you passionate, committed, and motivated about the impact of delivering healthcare in a sustainable manner to millions of people? If yes, Kepler could be your employer of choice. 

Kepler is one of the largest medical products distribution, sales, and marketing companies in the Middle East region. We are at the forefront of bringing to the masses new technologies that can change lives for the better. We make this happen with partnerships with the best of the best in the healthcare sector. We are fast-growing and fast-paced. 

If you want to be a part of a dynamic organization that is a fair and equitable employer, send us your CV and we will be in touch when we have an opportunity for you to make a difference.

Sales Manager

  • Application opening date: 12/5/2022
  • Application end date: 19/5/2022
  • Job code: Kep-SM/May22
Sales Manager must help Kepler to achieve customer acquisition and revenue growth targets, by keeping the company competitive and innovative.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)