Job Code: Kep-SM/May22

Job Title: Sales Manager/ Kuwait

Opening Date: 12/5/2022

Closing date: 19/5/2022

Job Overview

Sales Manager must help Kepler to achieve customer acquisition and revenue growth targets, by keeping the company competitive and innovative. The title holder will be responsible for maximizing sales team potential, crafting sales plans, and justifying those plans to the management, the sales manager should lead and motivate the team, living the company values, implement marketing strategies, and ensure sales targets are met. 

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Leading a team of Medical/sales representatives and coaching them in their respective sales field.
  • Liaising with management ensuring sales targets are met.
  • Analyzing current marketplace and feeding back important market, customers, and competitive information.
  • Training sales team on sales techniques, administration, sales analysis, territory management and to make sure that they understand product knowledge.
  • Planning, executing, and managing sales strategies.
  • Generating new leads and developing existing customers by building and promoting strong, long-lasting customer relationships while partnering with them and understanding their needs.
  • Present sales, revenue and expenses reports and realistic forecasts to the management team.
  • Work with marketing team to deliver improvements in brand engagement across different territories.

Qualifications necessary for the Sales Manager:

  • Not less than 5 years in the same title.
  • Have competing Business Acumen.
  • Strong communication skills.
  • In depth understanding of sales and marketing principles.
  • Experienced in using various analytical tools, and interpretation.
  • Experience leading and managing a team.
  • Coaching skills, and how to manage team conflict.
  • Proven sales experience.
  • Ideally a bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in business areas such as Medical, management, or economics field.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)