Kepler is one of the top healthcare market access
companies in the Gulf region.


We are the premier regional distributors for pharmaceutical products, food and health supplements, and medical devices.


We provide our partners with full operational support including registration and market access, marketing of pharmaceutical products, medical data and research, and in-market sales with our qualified and well-experienced team.


We create a strategic plan with full pharma market access strategy upon request and help our partners in preparing and fulfilling all regulatory requirements for registration.

Our Vision

We are passionate about building successful and impactful partnerships with healthcare/ pharmaceutical products suppliers and manufacturers and enabling them with market access in the Gulf region.
Our Mission

We are on a mission to provide healthcare systems with high-quality, innovative pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and health food supplements, which help in improving people’s health.

Our Values

We put the patient at the core of our business. We believe that a patient could be one of our family, a friend, or a loved one. Our promise is to deliver the right product for the right patient helping them to live a healthier and fuller life.

We believe that the MENA region and the Gulf countries specfically are dynamic markets, which need a flexible and agile business strategy, yet with a solid and defined objective.
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We believe in consistently investing in our business and capabilities; looking for unconventional & innovative approaches, which can position us as leaders in delivering innovative healthcare solutions.

We ensure that our objectives are SMART. Being Specific & Realistic is the core of our objectives creation. We will never promise our partners what we can’t deliver.

We believe that our skilled employees are the key asset of our business. We promise them a positive and diversified work environment where respect, fairness, and development are fully encouraged.

Being a patient centric company, we are devoted to working with ethics. We believe that working with integrity is one of our strengths, which also serves the purpose of reducing legal risks to our partners.
Committed to Patients

As one of the top healthcare market access companies in the Gulf region, we currently provide
services, supply and distribute pharmaceutical products, devices, and food supplements across a large part of the Gulf, Middle East, and North Africa region. Specifically, we operate in:

• Kuwait • Jordan • UAE

• Qatar • Oman • Bahrain • Saudi Arabia

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)